
Content windows include Document Modules, Object Modules and Unit Test Modules. With the exception of the Properties windows which are attached to modules, all of the windows in the Sym application can be dragged and docked in a variety of locations to provide a way to customize the layout of the main application window.

Content windows include:

Window Description
Document Modules Document Modules are the main location where equations are entered and manipulated. Document modules are designed to work in a way that is similar what you would expect from a word processor. The document modules can be viewed and managed from the Document Explorer.
Object Modules Object Modules contain object definitions. Object definitions contain the name, type definition, renderings, properties and code that define how objects behave. Object Modules are typically contained in the libraries loaded into documents, but can also be created directly in a document.
Unit Test Modules Unit Test Modules contain unit tests that are used to test and validate code. Unit Test Modules are also typically found in libraries. It's often convenient to create libraries that are designed primarily to contain a group of Unit Test Modules, but Unit Test Modules can also be created directly in a document.

Each of the content modules has a properties window attached to it that can be viewed or hidden as necessary. This window is always attached to a module window. It can't be dragged and docked like other windows in the application.

Window Description
The Properties Window The Properties window allows users to see the properties of the currently highlighted expression. It is a child window of any Document Module, Unit Test Module or Object Module. To open the Properties window, select View > Properties (Alt + P)