Document Modules

The content of a document is contained in modules. There are three types of modules, Document modules, Object modules and Unit test modules. Document modules allow you to put expressions and text in a module, they can be compared to a page or a chapter in a book. You can insert expressions and text that is organized similar to a word processing application, but you can also place expressions and text anywhere in the module.

Document modules are created and managed using The Document Explorer. While only one document file can be opened in a single instance of the application, a document can have any number of modules open simultaneously.

At the top of each module, there is a button bar with a status bar below it. The status bar indicates the document that contains the current module (which may be the main document or one of its libraries), the module type, the current notation, and the current editing mode.

The button bar provides convenient access to commands like undo and redo, the cut, copy, and paste commands, text editing commands like bulleting and numbering and a drop-down to set the notation. Note that the notation shown in the status bar will show that actual notation if Automatic is selected in the drop-down.

Content can be created like in a word processing application where you typically use the Enter key to insert a new line at the location of the cursor. But you can also insert expressions or text in a Document module by double clicking anywhere in the module or by selecting Insert expression from the context menu.

You can also insert or delete space from a Document module by right clicking on empty space in the module and selecting Insert space (Ctrl + Insert) or Delete space (Ctrl + Delete) from the context menu. All of the expressions below the location of the click will be moved.

Expressions can be dragged to another location. To do this, highlight the expression, click inside the highlight and drag to the new location. Expressions can only be dragged in Expression mode. In Name mode and Text mode dragging is disabled.

You can highlight multiple expressions by clicking and dragging over the expressions that you want to highlight. The highlighted expressions can be deleted or dragged to another location.

To insert text into a Document module, first insert an empty box at the location of the text. Press Escape to switch to Text mode and start typing the text.

Editing modes:

For a description of the edit modes in a document module, see Creating and Editing Content

Exporting a module:

For a details on exporting a module, see Exporting Content. You can also export expressions to any of the formats supported by the exporters loaded in the current document just by copying the expression and pasting into an application that expects text. See Exporting Expressions for more details.

Undo and redo will work on any edits you make in a Document Module. There are separate undo and redo lists for each module.